I had an incident a couple of years ago with propane. I was out of town visiting my brother and S-I-L. They were in the motorhome saying goodby and S-I-L was leaned up against the stove. I didn't know at the time but leaning on the stove caused one of the valves to turn on slightly. I drove about 60 miles and kept smelling what I thought was dog******and in fact I checked mine and wife's shoes a couple of times. I stopped to get a couple of sandwiches and when I got back in the m/h, the smell was a lot stronger than I thought. I got to searching and found the valve turned on.
When I got home, I got rid of the stove and bought a new one that the valves have to be pushed in to turn them on. I check the valves much more often now. I still need to build an enclosure around the knobs that I will have to lift to turn the valve. I forget it in between trips so I think I had better get it done while it's on my mine.