Forum Discussion

427435's avatar
Sep 17, 2016

Using 50 amp for 30 amp system

We only only have a 30 amp system in our MH, but I've bought an adapter when only a 50 amp connection is available in a park. Would there be any advantage to using the adapter and a 50 amp connection even if the 30 amp connection were available?? I'm thinking that there might be less voltage drop in an under wired park..........................
  • rv2go wrote:
    DownTheAvenue wrote:
    There may be an advantage. The 30 amp receptacle is most used and often is worn, so the plug fits loosely. This can cause a poor connection, arcing, and overheating of the plug. Using the less used 50 amp receptacle which is often in better shape, you may avoid the overheating situation.

    X2 I recommend this to all 30 amp users.

    Hey we don't want all you 30 amp folks messing up our 50 amp outlets.;)
  • I find it interesting that your 10 gauge cord, from pedestal to coach main breaker, will be protected by a 50 amp breaker. Always wondered how that fits in the NEC.

  • rv2go wrote:
    DownTheAvenue wrote:
    There may be an advantage. The 30 amp receptacle is most used and often is worn, so the plug fits loosely. This can cause a poor connection, arcing, and overheating of the plug. Using the less used 50 amp receptacle which is often in better shape, you may avoid the overheating situation.

    X2 I recommend this to all 30 amp users.

    X3 And, the adapter 50amp end gets the wear instead of your much more expensive 30 amp cord end.
  • DownTheAvenue wrote:
    There may be an advantage. The 30 amp receptacle is most used and often is worn, so the plug fits loosely. This can cause a poor connection, arcing, and overheating of the plug. Using the less used 50 amp receptacle which is often in better shape, you may avoid the overheating situation.

    X2 I recommend this to all 30 amp users.
  • There may be an advantage. The 30 amp receptacle is most used and often is worn, so the plug fits loosely. This can cause a poor connection, arcing, and overheating of the plug. Using the less used 50 amp receptacle which is often in better shape, you may avoid the overheating situation.
  • There will be no advantage. If your coach is set up for a 30A system that is all that it will draw. The 50A outlet is for guys with multiple a/c and all the bells and whistles.