BJean wrote:
Need valve extentions and wondering if ridged or braded on the inside rear would be best. Need to check and air without the trouble.
Our motorhome came with the braided valve extensions installed at the factory. The extensions were not pressurized, so if they got damaged, they would not leak. If you really want to get extensions make sure they are not pressurized.
After about a year or so, one of the extensions became hard to check pressure and impossible to add air. I ended up pulling the wheel cover off, taking the extension off and putting it back on tightly. After that, it was fine.
When we replaced our tires this past spring, I had the mechanic install Tire-man's valve stems. These are pricey, but definitely worth the money. Airing up the tires only takes a few minutes compared to before. It takes more time walking around to each tire than it does to add air. Best "mod" done on the motorhome.