I just noticed where you're from and probably haven't been in that area before. Here's some of the places I'd stop at: Proctor Marble exhibit, Town of Brandon, Town of Middlebury, Basin Harbor and Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (Vergennes), Mt. Philo State Park in Charlotte (this one is a must, bring a picnic lunch and drive your toad up there, an outstanding view of the whole Champlain valley), Shelburne Museum (you'll easily spend a couple days there) and this is just a sample of things along Rt. 7. If your there at "Fair" season VT has some of the best Country fairs, Rutland, Addison Farm Days and The Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex.
While in the area you might want to check out Ft. Ticonderoga, NY, Ausable Chasm, NY and Islands of Chaplain VT (I lived in Isle Lamott too)