rbutton wrote:
I suspect but can not prove it, that on the e450 Ford chassis there is some caster built into it. The adjustable sleeves I used were the +/- 3.5 degree Moog sleeves which in my case got me to the 5.5 degree caster.
Yes I believe you are corect on that. And, I think that neutral preset caster is about +3 to +3.5 degrees which is the starting point for adjustable sleeves. I say this because I have an alignment report for my 2004 at LH +3.0 and RH +3.5 when my Ingall 594s were adjusted to be caster neutral (0.0).
On edit, I should add that this starting point would be dependent on the Frame Angle of the vehicle which depends on how the vehicle sits in the saddle kind of thing.