New to this motorhome, 1999 class A diesel pusher 350 cummins. A couple times on hard acelleration there is a yellow warning light comes on dash. What is that for?
I have that water fuel light as well ............. thats not it
just says ..... Warning .......... in yellow on dash only comes on after I have had my foot into it, and then goes out once I let out of it for a few seconds
Everyone here seams to think its air flow. I had a 1998 diesel that would flash an amber light (water in fuel) for just a second or two when ever I got hard into the throttle. Never did figure out why because my fuel and filers were clean. I blamed it on the low sulfur fuel I had to use but never really knew why.
Many diesels have a system built in that when engine tries to suck air the small device operates to indicate basically the lack of air flow through the filter. I linked a photo of one earlier. Do you have a turbo?
Has all new filters ..... It only happens when I acellerate quickly for several seconds. Once I let out and cruise along for a few more seconds at a reasonable speed the light then goes right out.