Forum Discussion

Explorer1016's avatar
Jan 29, 2015

Water Intrusion repair question

My upper right rear corner has sprung a leak. We caught it before any significant damage occurred. I have a beautiful, 4 color, full body paint job and I do not want to scratch, damage or dull this very expensive paint. My question is this;

I need to remove the outer corner edging that runs from the bottom of the coach to the top roof line then clean the old sealant and apply new sealant and reinstall the outer corner trimmer. What product should I use to remove the old sealant and thoroughly clean the outer surface before applying the new sealant and trim piece?

Thank you
  • If none of those are successful, look up De-Bond. It is a marine product and not cheap, but it will make most sealants let go.

  • There is something called a "pinstripe eraser". It is literally a big rubber wheel you can put on the end of a drill and it rubs off pinstripes. You must be careful not to burn the paint, but I see lots of feedback that careful use gives good results. I wouldn't be surprised if a pinstripe eraser would work well to rub off the old sealant and preserve your paint.

  • Often the sealant will come off in chunks if you can pull on it. Then use a nylon/plastic scraper to get rid of the leftover chunks. Use mineral spirits to get rid of residue and then wash with soap and rinse. Test the mineral spirits first to make sure it won't remove the paint. Sometimes if you leave it on too long it will eat the paint.
  • harley-dave wrote:
    I've always used mineral spirits and a rag to remove the surface stuff, a nylon tool like a calk remover from Lowes or home depot to get the larger chunks. Use caution when scraping with the nylon tool to not damage your paint. I'm sure others will chime in with their own methods.


    Thank you Dave!
  • I've always used mineral spirits and a rag to remove the surface stuff, a nylon tool like a calk remover from Lowes or home depot to get the larger chunks. Use caution when scraping with the nylon tool to not damage your paint. I'm sure others will chime in with their own methods.
