Forum Discussion

Wildflower's avatar
Oct 17, 2015

Water pump not operating

We have a '13 HR Ambassador. While traveling a week ago we used the water pump. We've been sitting for five days and due to a potential freeze last night took off the water hose intending to use the fresh water tank over night. Water pump light indicates it's on but it never runs and consequently we of course have no water. Any ideas?
  • Wildflower wrote:
    We have a '13 HR Ambassador. While traveling a week ago we used the water pump. We've been sitting for five days and due to a potential freeze last night took off the water hose intending to use the fresh water tank over night. Water pump light indicates it's on but it never runs and consequently we of course have no water. Any ideas?

    Firstly, determine if you indeed have 12vdc to the pump, using a voltmeter or other and there's not much use in pursuing things any further, until you've established this much.
  • Wildflower wrote:
    We have a '13 HR Ambassador. While traveling a week ago we used the water pump. We've been sitting for five days and due to a potential freeze last night took off the water hose intending to use the fresh water tank over night. Water pump light indicates it's on but it never runs and consequently we of course have no water. Any ideas?

    Since it never runs, check the wiring around the pump for an in-line fuse. Measure it for continuity. If it's OK, chase the wiring back to the controller and check for 12V there. You might have something turned off that shouldn't be. Like one of the salesman's switches inside and above the house's door.
  • I would start with touching pump supply wires with light tester.

  • Hi
    Try one more thing when the switch is ON.
    Gently tap the pump with a hammer.It may be STUCK from not being used for a while. Had this once and solved it. Hard water will do that.
    Mine also has a fuse AT the pump as well as in the fuse panel.
  • Wildflower wrote:
    There are three switches to turn the pump on, kitchen and both bathrooms. When it's turned on there is no air from the faucets and no attempt by the pump to start. There is only a lever that switches from city water to fresh water tank. You just switch the lever. Hope that answered all the questions.

    Three switches for pump then you have a 'pump controller'
    Probably by Intellitec Monoplex

    HERE is some info
  • Is the pump not running ... like ... no power?

    Or is it running (you hear it running), but no water at the faucets?
  • There are three switches to turn the pump on, kitchen and both bathrooms. When it's turned on there is no air from the faucets and no attempt by the pump to start. There is only a lever that switches from city water to fresh water tank. You just switch the lever. Hope that answered all the questions.
  • Water pump light turns ON

    So when you open a faucet does air blow out?

    Do you have a 'water panel' with switches/ it set up for 'pump' or set to 'fill'
    If 'fill' pump will just round robin from tank back to tank

    Do you have just one On/Off switch or multiple switches to operate pump?
    Multiple switches....then pump controller could be issue
    Do you know location on controller.......under bathroom sink/inside closet/behind drawer

    Can you easily access pump and check if it actually runs?
  • Is the pump running but not delivering water?
    If that is the case check to make sure your outdoor shower is OFF..closed.