Forum Discussion

psalm10720's avatar
Dec 05, 2015

Wax on Wax off...

I have a 1993 Brave which is very faded. I used Krud Kutter to deep clean which worked very well. I have started to use Meguire's 45 High Gloss polish which is also showing good results so far. A fellow full-timer suggested floor wax to get a mirror shine. Wanted some feedback as to other's experiences...
  • RMP or ZEP is not a wax or polish. It is an acrylic floor finish with little or no UV protection. Did my motorhome 4 years ago. The side that doesn't get the sun while stored still looks like the day I first applied it. I had to strip and reapply the side that gets the afternoon sun this year because it was starting to peel. If you can store it where it does not get much direct sunlight, it should last a long time.

    I wash it with dish detergent and use Awesome to remove the stubborn black streaks. I highly recommend it with the above exception about long exposure to direct sunlight.
  • You have already done the hard work. Now you may try washing the coach down with a fine or medium CLAY bar(available at most auto parts stores) and then putting a good coat of wax on the exterior.
    Interior floor polish would probably work fine on your interior floors but it has no UV protection for your exterior surfaces.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I have read many stories of folks who used Floor wax.

    Some were pleased as can be
    Some were... NOT.. (Horror stories)

    That's all I can say.. Based on the ratio I opted to stick with Apple Polish (Standard automotive wax.. The same stuff your local supermarket uses to polish applies and things).
  • I used it on my '90 Bounder and it did well for less than a year then it started peeling and loosing luster, now it absorbs stuff running down the sides from the aluminum roof. I'm finding it hard to remove. It does not handle sun well. Search for RMP or Red Max Pro , lots of comments.
  • A friend of mine used the ZEP on his 2000 and it was amazing how it looked now after two years the thing still looks great.