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Big_Blue's avatar
Jul 19, 2014

WD08 Project Update

WD08 Update

2008 Winnebago Destination, 39', two slides, Cummins 6.7L diesel pusher.

Two months and four local trips later.

1. Driver side slide leak repaired. Pretty much leaked every time it rained. Visual inspection revealed a two gasket tear in the front upper corner. Patching was marginally effective. Took it to Whited RV & Truck Center. They found loose screws and worn out sealants. Repaired both. The next week, sat through an 18 hour rain storm, on the coast of Maine, as a hurricane passed to the east, and front passed over from the west. 18 hours of rain later - still bone dry.

2. Passenger side slide 'leak'. During same trip to Whited RV, they repaired a dried out gasket on the ice maker supply line. (I did ask that they cap the supply line under the sink - instead, they repaired...guess I'll cap it off myself---I can live without an ice maker)

3. The infamous Norcold fridge failure. Same trip to Whited - they are the local Norcold Authorized Service Center. Removed failed Rev 4 recall unit. Replaced with current Rev 5 unit. The fridge cools nicely on LP. Does not cool at all on AC. Further research pending. Rocket science.

4. Black Tank Stench has emerged as the current most pressing issue. Nauseating is the polite description. Problem most likely exacerbated by dumping minimal contents every trip out. Perhaps not enough stuff for an adequate vigorous flushing dump. Do use the tank sprayer everytime. The previous owner installed a clear 90 degree angle at the dump hose connection. Run the tank sprayer until clear.

Last trip, stuff flushed wasn't dumping into the tank. Looking downward, can see 'stuff' that should be seen. Duct taped a several inch drywall spreader onto a broom handle and pushed stuff out of sight, into the direction of observed fluid flow. Now think that the stuff is only out of sight, not out of smell.

Downloaded plumbing diagram from Winnebago. The drawings indicate a straight path from toilet to black tank. (on previous fifth wheel, this could be observed) Visual inspection does not indicate a straight path. Instead, there appears to be a flat shelf with the path to the black tank out of sight.

Before leaving tomorrow, will be filling the black system to full before dumping. Hopefully 50 something gallons of fluid will vigorously flush and rinse out any clogged/cornered debris.

5. Last trip out, the Check Engine light would intermittently flash on, then off, on rough & turbulent roads. (not much four lane highway time yet). One time, the warning included low coolant, STOPPED IMMEDIATELY! The coolant reservoir is full, suspect false alarm caused by sloshing to the rhythms of the substandard road surface.

This trip,occasionally intermittent Check Engine episodes. Research in progress and will research and reach out to Cummins for awareness, knowledge, guidance & direction.

I see a trip to an authorized Cummins dealer in the near future before next month's extended trip into more rural & remote destinations.

6. Not all campgrounds are Class A RV ready. Made reservations near event destination. The last two roads provided early clues. The paved one would have made a great racing road course with the constant hills, thrills and curves. Then the unpaved final section, the rig was brushing through the overhanging trees. Descend into the campground, easily the largest rig around in what is a very congested seasonal enclave. Clerk at desk looks at my rig and asks why I am here. Me, "I have a reservation." We go look at the site. There is a roadside firepit in the middle of the questionable, from either direction, access. Not only that, it is all grass sod, not a gravel pad. At best, I sense muddy ruts and flinging sod, coming and going - am informed that I would be liable for any site repair. A few other open sites are looked and are not any better. Get refund, turned around, KOA reservations made, and drive off.

So, what say ye?
  • Spent the day relaxing by reading through the manuals.

    Also, found the plumbing diagram on the Winnebago website. According to the drawings, the stuff flushes down, exit to the upper right, goes through a trap, makes two left hand ninety-degree turns and dumps into the lowest level of the tank. Currently have the tank filled to one-third. Will add dish soap tomorrow, another third and slosh it home to the KOA in my home town for dumping.

    The fridge may work on AC, albeit not as efficient as LP. Further testing required without tomorrow's breakfast at risk of rotting into an unhealthy event.

    Once home, need to service the batteries and the inconveniently located fuel/water separator - that may cure the CEL. There will have to a day trip to test.

    Thank you each for your comments & compliments. I write as a way to find my right or best answers.

    wa8xym de k1bs - 73. Do you use 2M while on the road? Someday soon, I need to install my VHF rig and an antenna.

    Cheers, Bob
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Big_Blue wrote:

    2. Passenger side slide 'leak'. During same trip to Whited RV, they repaired a dried out gasket on the ice maker supply line. (I did ask that they cap the supply line under the sink - instead, they repaired...guess I'll cap it off myself---I can live without an ice maker)

    Close the supply valve to the ice maker,, REMOVE the ice maker, Replace with a pair (or more) of Rubbermaind plastic, flexible Ice Cube trays, Result, MOre room in the frezer, More ice for my drinks. (Talk about a win-win)

    When you re-fill the ice cube tray leave one pair of compartments empty, then over the SINK tilt to fill those compartments. Way easier to carry to freezer that way.

    3. ... The fridge cools nicely on LP. Does not cool at all on AC. Further research pending. Rocket science.

    Odds are good it is the heat element, Likely bad, Option 2 is more expensive.. use Ohmmeter to measure the resistance of the coil.. and/or a volt meter to measure the VOLTAGE at the heater coil (Where it goes into the flue) if you have AC and infinite resistance you have your problem, IF no AC, then control board or a/c outlet, Check outlet with a 100 watt Trouble Light.

    4. Black Tank Stench has emerged as the current most pressing issue.

    Your plan to fill and dump is good, then fill around 1/3 to 1/2 full and add 1/2 to 1 cup each of Calgon Water Softener and Dawn Dishwashing liquid (original formula NOT anti bacterial)

    Now drive, I like to do at least 50 miles.

    Then when you get to the new camp ground dump

    NOTE: DO this with both Black **AND** Gray tanks. I find the Gray is stinker on many RVs
  • I can only comment on the foul smell issue. We discovered in our new (to us) 2006 Fleetwood Pace Arrow 37c that anytime anyone used the toilet, especially #2, there was a foul smell coming from the black tank. What I came up with was that since there is no trap below the toilet and the toilet dumps straight into the black tank and the water in the toilet is the seal.....when people use the toilet, naturally we would all turn the fan on. Well...with the fan on and flushing, thus breaking that seal, there would be an inrush of the black tank odor filling the bathroom. New rule: DO NOT TURN THE FAN ON UNTIL YOU ARE FINISHED. Since its a fantastic fan, it vents the bathroom very quickly. This new rule has prevented unwanted odors from coming up into the bathroom from the black tank.

    Otherwise......I enjoyed your narrative even though I know you were probably frustrated through all that!!!!
  • I Had a Journey that I had to be very careful about filling and emptying the black tank. If you have the same situation as I here is what I found. The commode was on the passenger side of the coach. Of course the discharge side was on the drivers side. The commode dumped straight down into the tank but because of the location the tank was very shallow and I believe sloped to the drivers side and drain. This made using a considerable about of water necessary to make sure everything "floated" to the water in a near empty tank rather than just stick to the dry bottom. Also I would not empty the tank until nearly full. And many times would travel with a fair amount in the black tank so I could get the benefit of it sloshing around to keep from getting the dreaded pile.