Forum Discussion

Jerseydevil's avatar
Sep 11, 2016

WD40 staining?

Anyone ever had staining on side of coach? Sprayed awning brackets last night. Just got back from road and noticed spots. Tried to rub off with water with no success.
  • Been using it for over 40 years on boats, aircraft, and RV's, and never had it stain a solid surface. I use it on the campers to remove tar and road grease from the front. So far it hasn't hurt either the aluminum or the fiberglass.
  • I've never had it stain, but you never know with some finishes. Also it could be carrying grease or dirt from the brackets to the finish. Try rubbing out the stain with some cleaner/wax. I'd do it sooner rather than later.
  • WD40 contains solvents, it can damage paint and various coatings. Water displacement formula #40 isn't just a straight lubrication oil.

    That said, I've never had it damage the finish on any of my cars (used for freeze protection in locks,) but could be an RV is painted in a different way?