Peralko wrote:
Mr.Mark wrote:
HOM, Foretravel and Newell of equal years will be higher than the other brands as they are more upscale.
Good luck on your search.
I can agree on you on the Newell. On the Foretravel not so much. At best, I consider them on par with Country Coach.
BTW, Country Coach posted pictures today of the Cummins ISX12 and Allison transmission destined for the prototype Allure under construction.
New Newell's are $1.7M, new Foretravels are $1.3M or so. New CC would be under a million unless they converted a Prevost shell.
Where did you see pics of the ISX12?
On edit: I've looked on the CC website and did not see the prototype. Maybe I looked in the wrong place.
Researching... I see the ISX12 G is a natural gas engine. Sweet.