Mr.Mark wrote:
Peralko wrote:
Mr.Mark wrote:
HOM, Foretravel and Newell of equal years will be higher than the other brands as they are more upscale.
Good luck on your search.
I can agree on you on the Newell. On the Foretravel not so much. At best, I consider them on par with Country Coach.
BTW, Country Coach posted pictures today of the Cummins ISX12 and Allison transmission destined for the prototype Allure under construction.
New Newell's are $1.7M, new Foretravels are $1.3M or so. New CC would be under a million unless they converted a Prevost shell.
Where did you see pics of the ISX12?
On edit: I've looked on the CC website and did not see the prototype. Maybe I looked in the wrong place.
Researching... I see the ISX12 G is a natural gas engine. Sweet.
I guess if your primary criteria is what they cost you could be right, although the last Affinitys produced were pushing $800k, and the Rhapsody was over $900k--probably both would be over $1M if produced today. I'm more concerned about features that are useful to us than fluff. Country Coach was way ahead of Foretravel in things like heated floors, front roof AC operating on the inverter, and 600hp engines. Besides, a lot of Foretravel floorplans I've seen are a bit eccentric, and you can buy a 1-2 year old top-of-the-line Foretravel way under $1M.
The pictures of the ISX12 for new Allure is on CC's Facebook page.
I never said they had pictures of the new Allure--what I said was they have a picture of the floorplan for the new Allure.