We went through the normal progression of RV's from tents to a pop`up and then a 25 ft TT , A 30 ft TT with two slide outs , a 36 ft 4 slide fifth wheel and a bunch of trucks along the way but now have a 3 slide out truck camper and could not be happier ( for now !!) the truck camper is easy to handle in any travel conditions,fits in any campsite or even where there are no campsites, we still have a truck , no wheel bearing or brakes to maintain on a trailer or second vehicle to tow and maintain and no hitches, also no property taxes or registration fees in our state . Of course a truck-camper of any size is not for everyone and our camper requires a 1 ton DRW truck but we think we have finally found what works for us since we are on the move more at this time in our lives , the fifth wheel was great for long stays in one place as were the trailers but so far the truck-camper seems to be a easier way to travel and ours could have come with a washer dryer combo but felt it was a waste of space since we run into campgrounds with cloths washing facilities often enough