donfrump wrote:
RLS7201 wrote:
donfrump wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
How can you tell when a dealer is lying? (His lips are moving).
Check for a burned fuse.
Check for a dead solenoid or diode type isolator.
that's a crock of BS. my best friends a dealer and is the most honest guy around.As a dealer if he sells a new unit and its wired wrong or something is wrong from the factory he fixes it and sends the bill to the questions asked.there is zero reason for a dealer to lie and say that's the way it is knowing full well its not.Now if the unit was intentionally built this way then that's a different story but again the dealer would not be lieing
That makes your best friend one in a million. Please share his name, address and phone number, so the RV community will know where to trade.
lets get back to basics here. why? like for what good reason would a dealer lie to a person that just bought a new unit if it was miss wired by the factory. a dealer would not lie and say it was not so, why would they? they get paid to make factory warrenty repairs
so they have no skin in the game in fact they will pick up some profit when fixing a factory fault. yes there are a few scum bag dealers out there as there are bad doctors, certainly bad cops, bad mail men,bad teachers but we don't paint them all with the same brush
Bit sensitive today aren't we:h:h
Fact is most dealers/salesman are not liars, just misinformed. Unfortunately, many salesmen/women have no clue about what they're selling and they simply 'guess' at things while keeping the 'prize' in sight. It becomes even worse where the dealer carries various brands. Look at how many questions are posted on here. Many of these questions are brought up to salesmen too. They don't really know, are enthusiastic about making a sale so they guess instead of finding out the answer. After all you do want a 'knowledgeable' salesman right? Ignorance makes you appear weak. You want a salesman that's strong, yes? More salesmen should simply say, "I don't know, ask on RV.Net" do you think that would fly????...just sayin....Dennis