Gjac wrote:
I would do 2 things. 1, Install a Steer Safe or Safety Plus stabilizing system. 2, Buy or make an awning lock system. My friends awning billowed out when we were in 30 mpg or so cross winds. We made a lock in a Walmart parking lot for his MH. Are you normally affected by passing trucks at hwy speed? I have the Steer Safe and can drive the MH with one hand at normal winds with passing trucks and hwy speeds.
"Are you normally affected by passing trucks at hwy speed?"
No, not really. I had (can not remember the name) but some kind of tracking bar on the back axel of the motor home (a little over $700.00) and it seems to be doing it's job. Yes, from now on I will be pulling over and waiting till the wind slows down at a park or truck stop.