Forum Discussion

aaron7's avatar
Nov 04, 2013

What to use to replace this grey piping & purge valves?

After weeks of having a bathroom that kept getting wet... I think I found the culprit!

Under my vanity are the air purge valves for winterizing. Looks like the cold is weeping as it's wet.

How the heck do I replace that? Haven't messed with anything that wasn't threaded on the water lines!

I was told about Flair-It fittings but those seem to be only for PEX and this is PVC.

Since we live in AZ I was thinking about just bypassing everything in the pics with straight line... thoughts?

  • I repaired my toilet plumbing with some new compression fittings. Just cut and slip them over. Easy peasy. If you can get to an RV supply place locally, I am sure they will have the fittings in stock.

  • I`ve never used the Shark Bite fittings -- Ace Hardware & such should have 1/2 inch barb fittings, & you can use regular hose clamps -- Not the best, but will work -- Get a short piece of PEX pipe for to bridge the gap where you take the low point drains out -- The barb fittings are much cheaper, & bettr than Quest, & Shark Bite -- Let us know how you make out -- It`s not a big job, just the right parts -- Bill Willard
  • Thanks Bill, that's so appreciated, you have no idea! We're very far from home and have no idea what we're doing. Just trying to get by and this soaked carpet has to end!

    I looked into the Quest fittings and that looks fine. Think I can find them at the local hardware stores? Any advice on those quick-release Sea Tech connections? Might those work? Seem way easier to install!

    We're staying in Scottsdale at the Trailer Corral. They were kind enough to let us stay (as NO parks in the area allow rigs this old!) under the condition we leak no fluids... well... it didn't when we arrived!
  • The pipes are polybuthelene, the fittings are called Quest -- I worked in the Park Model business for 22 years, & at one time, that was the piping all mfg used -- The plastic fittings break/crack & hot water would strech the tubing -- There was a recall several years ago, & class action lawsuits -- Where do you live in Arizona -- I live in Gilbert AZ , & if I can be of any help, let me know - I still have the clamps & fittings to fix that type of pipe -- Not looking for a job, just laed you thru your fix -- 480-540-7377 -Bill Willard
  • Well, I have no means (skills or money!) to replumb everything so I need to just fix the problem at hand!

    What about the Sea Tech slip on connections?

    Was just going to cut about 1' out on both the hot and cold, removing the valves entirely (in AZ, no winterizing here!), and put straight line in with those Sea Tech couplers.
  • One of the things that come to mind are Flair-It fittings, but I'd check with someone who knows what they are doing first. As an alternative, there are Sharkbite fittings, which can go from PVC to PEX, but because they rely on a single O-ring to keep water in (which gets eaten away by the chlorine in water), eventually those will leak or vibrate out. I've read about Sharkbite-like fittings that use two O-rings, but can't find a good source.

    As an alternative to band replacement, would the Watts PEX Cinch Clamp fittings work? I read they are made from stainless steel, so I don't know if they are better than the aluminum bands.

    The best route, IMHO, would be a replumb with PEX, and either Flair-It fittings, the cinch fittings that tend to be what most new RV makers use anyway (mainly because the stainless steel bands are cheap, and regardless of the pipe diameter, only one cinch tool is required), or if you have the money, PEX-A and expansion fittings which is considered the high end.
  • What you have is called "Qest" and unfortunately you have the worst example of it.
    The tubing and fittings themselves aren't bad but those silver aluminum clamps will stretch and loosen over time. Eventually the pipe will either leak or pop apart completely. You could replace just the offending fitting with a compression type but the problem will happen with the rest of the fittings eventually.
    You can replace aluminum bands with copper bands and they will last forever. Or, you can replumb the whole RV with Pex.

    Sorry for the bad news.