Forum Discussion

Sabretooth's avatar
Aug 04, 2014

Wheel Spacers ???

New here and hope to get some solid advice nd information.

I have an old Gulfstream Diesel Pusher which I have had Henderson and safety plus stabilizers fitted. My steering box has been checked and tightened and had 2 alignments. I have Sampson tires on the rear dually and Michelin on the steering axle. My tire shop checked the tires and they are all in spec.
However I still feel wander when driving at any speed over 35 mph. I m assuming it is because the wheels are riding within a semi track which causes the sideways movement because passing vehicles do not give me the same feeling. And yes like all MH's I feel strong winds but then driving a sailing ship fully rigged will do that.
I know there is nothing wrong with the vehicle so heres my questions,

1. Has anyone ever put wheel spacers on a class A (33FT)to widen the track and alleviate the rut problems?

2. I understand the differences between wider and narrower tires and have had conflicting answers. Will a wider tire help to alleviate the rutting?

3. If a spacer is used between the dually wheels, it would still provide the anti rub space and give a wide track?

4. My tire size is 8 75R 19.5 Can I use a wider/bigger tire to achieve my goal of no wander or would I have to also change the wheel and possibly the assembly?

Note, Sampson is a very good tire and used throughout the Trucking world without problems. Yes I know its made in China and have heard all the stories from those who know nothing about the brand and assume because its Chinese made it must be inferior. But for the skeptics did you know that Good Year, Michelin, Bridgestone and many other well known promoted tires are also made in China. And as a matter of fact Sampson are made by A subsidiary of Michelin.