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dvitale62's avatar
Oct 28, 2014

Where is fresh water tank drain?

I am trying to locate the fresh water tank manual drain on my 2005 Jayco Greyhawk 30gs. The pump is not working and winter is coming so I really need to get the water out of it. Thanks
  • I had this same problem last week. Ended up simply tracing the lines coming from the tank and using process-of-elimination. Found a valve tucked in a corner on a line coming out of the bottom of the tank. It didn't go to thte pump, so I figured this had to be the drain line. Opened it, and water started spilling out on the driveway.

    My manual also had no relevant information.
  • I pored over my Jayco manual this afternoon. You can't tell from the fog and generalizations whether there is or isn't a fresh water tank drain.
  • Thank you all for your help, I am going out now to see if I can find it, will let you know how I make out!
  • Mine is under my kitchen sink, behind a drawer. I just open the valve and let the water drain...into a container and use it to water my plants! :C
  • When in doubt call the RV manufacturer if they're still in business, mention lack of info in generic owner's manual.

    You should have a main drain spigot on outside of rig and two low point drain tubes fo hot and cold water lines that come out of the underside of the rig. There should be two small valve handles somewhere inside that need to be opened for low point drains to completely empty tank and lines. These must be fully closed completely for water system to pressurize and pump to work and shut off properly.

    On our Tioga, valves are inconveniently located behind a panel on wall outside of restroom, hard to reach and hard to open and close.
  • I have 2014 Jayco Melbourne 29D, and I haven't located a fresh water tank drain, either. But I haven't tried to crawl under the MH yet. Can I be sure that there IS such a drain? The Owner's Manual is a joke, since they tried to cover too many different models in one generic manual. Wish they wouldn't do that.
  • Look underneath for the drain tubing then follow it inside
  • sfo1969 wrote:
    on my jayco melbourne it was in the outside R/H storage compartment 2 levers fwd wall.

    That sounds like the low point drains for the water lines, which is where mine are. They won't drain the fw tank because the tank is lower. If your pump was working, maybe it would work, but not without it.
  • on my jayco melbourne it was in the outside R/H storage compartment 2 levers fwd wall.
  • Mine is about even with the fill port, underneath. It's maybe 18" in from the side with a drain valve (one of the white plastic ones). It's real hard to miss so yours must be different.