Forum Discussion

djbroughton's avatar
Aug 07, 2013

Which Cummins manual to buy

We recently purchased an 06 Monaco Camelot 40pdq with the Cummins 400ISL engine and it came with very little service history. I would like to tackle basic servicing ie: change fluids and I have done this on my diesel truck and gas cars. I am no expert by any means but can generally figure things out and like to tinker.

I would like to buy a good basic Cummins manual that has lots of pictures and good simple explanations for the service items I can complete. Now, I can't figure whether to get the "owners manual", "operation and maintenance manual" or "service manual" that are shown on the Cummins self-serve site.

I spoke with the local Cummins Service Center and they expect to order one "sight unseen" and take my chances it's the right one.

Does anybody know which one I should get?
  • djbroughton wrote:
    We recently purchased an 06 Monaco Camelot 40pdq with the Cummins 400ISL engine and it came with very little service history. I would like to tackle basic servicing ie: change fluids and I have done this on my diesel truck and gas cars. I am no expert by any means but can generally figure things out and like to tinker.

    I would like to buy a good basic Cummins manual that has lots of pictures and good simple explanations for the service items I can complete. Now, I can't figure whether to get the "owners manual", "operation and maintenance manual" or "service manual" that are shown on the Cummins self-serve site.

    I spoke with the local Cummins Service Center and they expect to order one "sight unseen" and take my chances it's the right one.

    Does anybody know which one I should get?

    I applaud your desire to take on your own maintence. The Cummins manuals aren't much help at the basis level you are talking about. I second the suggestion of letting a Speedco do a L/O/F and go down in the pit to watch.

    Other wise just get under the coach on a creeper with a good work light and scope out things. Most of the fluids and filters will be similar to the vehicles ou have done before. There is an air dryer that needs service every 2-3 years and there may be a coolant filter and a hydraulic fluid filter. There are a dozen or so grease zerks that need attention.
  • Hey Dave from Ontario. I found a local truck service centre that does a complete, annual bumper to bumper inspection & service for about $360.00 including all fluids & filters for both my 370 ISL & Onan generator. I figure it's worth every penny after seeing a few breakdowns on the road heading to Florida in the fall. Not a pretty sight.
  • I have what is called "the workshop manual" for my Freightliner Custom Chassis. It is actually two volumes and seems to have pretty good illustrations and info/instructions about each of the major systems and components of the vehicle. For example, in one section there is a step by step procedure with illustrations on how to change out the air filter. Mine is a hard copy, but I think it also comes in an online version as well. I think the intent with that is you read it online and then print out the relevant pages if you're actually going to do the work. Check it out.
  • I would like to tackle basic servicing ie: change fluids

    Above link should get thru the fluids. But I was faced with same situation on a used Ford (gasser) their books really add up dollar wise and some fixes you need different books for different system components. What ever you do or get make sure you have access to TSB's. Either on-line somewhere or from Cummins if they have them on-line. I like doing my own stuff also.
  • I use SpeedCo for my oil changes, lube and fuel filter service. They allow me to go into the pit with them and explain how everything works first hand. About $300 and I don't have to figure out what to do with 42qts of used oil....If you're going to do your own oil changes, grab a Fomoto valve to replace the drain plug. That way you can drain your oil in smaller increments.

    I have the owner's manual and the service manual and neither one tells you much....Dennis