Forum Discussion

BeaverCamper's avatar
Aug 31, 2014

Which Dish Sat is better - Tailgater or Pathway X2

I am going to buy a Sat dish for my Class C this week but want to know which I should buy. We will be on the road for a month to start and I want a mobile dish I can set up myself.
Which Dish Sat is better - Tailgater or Pathway X2?
  • Biggest dish will give best reception during marginal conditions. That's the X2. Brother in law has the tailgater we have the X2. Most of the time they are equal. During thunderstorms the X2 keeps reception longer.
  • We just got back from a 90 day excursion that took us from Arizona to the west coast to the east coast and back. We used the Winegard Pathway X2 in all our campsites. What was nice was having the ability to use East Coast and West Coast feeds as needed. We had two campsites with extensive tree coverage where we could not get a signal. Everywhere else, we either were able to receive all satellites or at least one. Reception was crystal clear, and we only had one time where we lost the signal to heavy rain. Set up took on average 5-10 minutes. At one campsite, we lost coverage, and I looked out the window. Another camper was looking the unit over and blocked the signal. He was pretty red faced when I explained what happened, but was really interested in purchasing one for himself.
  • Thanks for the insight. I was leaning to the X2 based on some of the same comments you gave so I think I will head that direction.
  • I have the Tailgater from Dish, this is the most sensitive antenna you can buy. The slighted obstruction in front of the antenna and you will not have any reception. They have a promotion for a two year contract for 39.- the first year and then it jumps to 79.- the second year, this is for a system that cannot be used on campground with some trees.!!!!
  • We can view different channels on the Pathway X2 when two receivers are hooked up. But, they must be on the same satellite.
    The advantages of the Pathway are: it has a larger dish and so has an easier time finding/connecting to satellites, and it can find both eastern and western arc satellites, which is good in some locations.
    We used the Pathway for 7 months from Florida to Idaho and everywhere in between. If we had problems getting western arc because of trees or other blockage, we could often get the eastern arc. We were even able to get some reception under fairly heavy tree cover.
    We now have a Winegard Road Trip Mission on our new rig (it came with it). The Pathway X2 gets better reception with less issues even with a clear sky. So we kept our Pathway and will use it when needed.
  • either are fine. i like the tailgater. but, please note: if you have 2 tvs you will only be able to receive the same channel on both with all automatic dish set ups.