Forum Discussion

wtfjr's avatar
Oct 04, 2013

Which do you do first - slider or jacks ?

Hi Guys & Gals

Please tell me what you do first when settling into a camp site - jacks down first or do you do the slides first ?
Seems to me that the slides are best done first & then the jacks go down to level the RV.
And how about when you are leaving a camp site, which do you do first ?
Please comment on what you do & why.
Thanks !!
  • I always do what the INSTRUCTIONS say, ie: Level first THAN slide outs! An unleveled RV can have the chassis distorted. Rectangle Slides don't like it when trying to open into or out of a parellelagram opening.:S
  • Two Hands wrote:
    My owner's manual states that the jacks go down then the slides go out. Reverse the process when preparing for departure. A diesel pusher buddy insisted it was the opposite according to his manual. He reread his manual and immediately began doing it by the book by putting his jacks down before extending his slides.

    My Tiffin manual for DP says slides out and jacks down
    To me that makes the best sense.A friend of mine has a 40Ft gulfstream and he was jack,s down slides out.He complained to me one time about slide,s giving him trouble.I said go slides out then jacks down.He now does it that way all the time as problem solved
    Heres how I look at it.when level and not staying long etc you may not want to put your jacks down.Your motorhome is designed to allow slides out without jacks deployed.Second way I look at it is the frames on these units flex/twist pretty bad when deploying jacks and to me can and WILL cause slides to bind.So iam a firm beleiver in slides out then jacks down
  • My owner's manual states that the jacks go down then the slides go out. Reverse the process when preparing for departure. A diesel pusher buddy insisted it was the opposite according to his manual. He reread his manual and immediately began doing it by the book by putting his jacks down before extending his slides.
  • what the first two replys say is about right.Do some research here as there is
    many many posts on this exact topic on here

    My personal opinion is and this is assuming your reasonable level/Always put your slides out first and then jacks down
  • You should consult your manual. Different manufacturers have different procedures. Mine says to only put slides out when air bags are fully inflated, but you want to deflate bags before deploying jacks.

    So for me it is slides out, purge air bags, level with jacks. Again, this is manufacturer/chassis/model specific, so check your manual.
  • Follow the manufacturers guidelines. There are lots of differences out there depending on how the chassis was supported when the box and slides were built.