Forum Discussion

mrnoyb's avatar
Jul 22, 2013

Who Performs the Oil Changes on Your C

My Class C is built on the Ford E350 SD DRW chassis with the 6.8L V10 power plant.

My first oil change is approaching both in time (6 months) & mileage (5,000 miles) and I'm wondering where you take your C to have this service performed? Dealer, RV Service Center or Ford Truck center?

Also, the factory uses a synthetic blend in their new engines. Do you switch to full synthetic at the first oil change?
  • I'm with wolvereeny and chinrv. Class C's are so high, you can pretty much crawl under andy of them to change oil without lifting. Any local auto shop with outdoor space can do it for you. Although, even though it isn't really any more work, many shops will call your MH an HD vehicle though and charge a little bit extra.

    Oil choice sparks a lot of debate on enthusiast forums, so YMMV on advice. :-)

    I use Shell Rotella T Triple Protection in 15-W40. That weight is good for my all California driving and the oil is JASO MA rated. Rotella is as good as the high priced premium "synthetics", but at WAY less cost. You have to know if your catalytic is sensitive to high ZDDP though as I have read that some catalytics are very sensitive to high ZDDP oils. I always use a Purolator PureOne filter.

  • I do using mostly MC 5/20 synthetic blend and MC filter. Really simple oil change on the V10. I also installed a quick valve so now just a quick flip and the oil is drained. Not worth taking it anywhere to get it done.
  • I change it in the driveway. No need for jacks or ramps. Slide a catch container, purchased at an auto parts store or Walmart, etc. First, however, find out where you'll dispose of the used oil - very important. Many auto parts stores will allow you to bring the used oil to them for proper disposal. Our 2001 V10 has over 197,500 miles on it, and I've ALWAYS used ONLY the Ford Motorcraft filters and Motorcraft syn-blend oil.
  • I use Mr Lube or another national outfit. They do the full lube and take responsibility if there is a screw-up. I always carry a couple NAPA GOLD oil filters because of the larger capacity, and have them installed.

    Mind you..I am not a DIY guy, so that goes some way to explain my path.

    Gary Haupt
  • I change my own using the synthetic blend. You can crawl under it without lifting. You don't say what year your chassis is, but mine has grease fittings on the front suspension/axle. Simple to do
  • I change it myself, or did until the Quck Change at my Ford dealer lowered his rice below what I have to pay Walmart for the oil and filter. Either way, job gets done without lifting the RV. I use Ford oil and filters, cheaper than anything else meeting specs.

    I'm rural enough that small town Ford dealers sell and service trucks. In the city, for dealer service you would need to find a truck center.
  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    I do my own,& I use exactly what's recommended by the manufacturer, (Ford), if something goes wrong, they are the ones that are going to approve the warranty claim.
  • I change it in my driveway, faster than taking it anywhere. Use either synth blend or full synthetic and don't use a cheapo filter. Mobil 1 is pretty cheap at Walmart.
  • I change my oil.

    Consult your owner's manual for any recommendations on how to transition to full syn if you are going to. On the last Ford I bought new the manual stated how many miles to break in on dino oil before transitioning to full syn.

    My Benz has to run on special low ash syn so that decision has been made for me.