For me, I prefer the cabover bed so that I can reduce the length of the RV by 3+ ft and not have to have a dedicated bed down below.
By counting the cabover bed as the main dedicated bed, the rest of RV can be pretty accommodating at 24'. Nice sized bath across entire rear, decent kitchen, plenty of seating. I find it a great compromise at 24'.
I do a lot of public camping-sites in areas which were designed for car camping back in the postwar period. Or leftover small sites in popular areas running without a reservation. The 24' C is pretty roomy taken in that context.
I think the cabover bed was an integral part of the early class C motorhomes. Some were very small by today's standards 16-18 ft. Today with the generally bigger RVs it has become a bit of a throwback. But for some of us it still serves the original purpose-maximum space utilization in a small footprint.