IMO this whole conversation is silly as it relates to WiFi in a CG. Bad guys go where the marks are. That's why they have gone after PC users over Mac users for years, simply because that's where the population is, and its a whole bunch easier to find an unprotected PC than an unprotected Mac (please lets not start the Mac's can't get virus's because that ain't true) by a margin of probably 1,000,000:1.
So why as a bad guy would I bother to drive out to a CG, set up IF I can even hear the POP, and start monitoring MAYBE 25% of the CG population even during the early evening, trying to wade through emails and pix from the kids of a bunch of 60+ year olds in the hopes I will find even one person doing something I'm interested in?
That as opposed to any of the thousands of Starbucks in any major business or financial area where people by the dozens are looking at the same emails a, Facebook, etc., but also their stocks, 401K, moving funds, checking balances, etc., and that group is likely to rotate several times an hour, not every 7-30 days..
There is so much free Wifi in the city its ridiculous. And people set up their phones and tablets to auto-connect without any regard to what it is as long as the device detects internet, it signs on. As a bad guy its a target rich environment, shooting fish in a barrel, choose your Idiom.. I can go to downtown San Francisco, Dallas, Chicago, etc. set my laptop in the window of the hotel and literally hear hundreds of routers whilst enjoying the view, a cold beverage, and calling room service.
So why would I go to a campground and lessen my odds of a good hit to weeks or months as opposed to minutes or hours? Or maybe I'll buy an RV and camp out, waiting.... and waiting...
Rant Off