bigdogger wrote:
So I guess I am should only be worried about the middle class identity thief. The good ones defeat Target's POS systems and the bad ones comb through trash dumpsters. Since there has never been a verified incident of any RVer being compromised through a park's wifi ever posted on these forums, I am going to assume the theoretical risk is just that, a risk in theory only.
The Target breach which affected up to 110 million customers doesn't appear to have been that difficult? It's been reported on the net that a Target contractor, a heating, ac, and refrigeration firm had their Target billing credentials stolen, via an emailed keystroke Citadel trojan, which is apparently openly sold on hacker sites. And like most trojans, designed not to be easily detectable while doing its damage.
The firm was apparently not using real-time scanning anti malware protection. Nor any keyboard encryption utility that would most likely have rendered an undetected keystroke capture logger useless. Both of which are readily available for free.
Of course, it also doesn't explain how a contractor's billing credentials could breach Target's own servers to extract customer's credit card data?