Our 2012 37' Adventurer was a nightmare to drive in anything beyond a whisper of a breeze. Took it to a great RV / Truck operation (that advertises on this website) in Redlands, Ca. Everything that can be done, they have done to it. Tire pressure was significantly lowered, front in alignment, etc. All available aftermarket products. Rides better, but still not what I'd like. I definitely slow down when she starts acting squirrelly. If windy conditions are expected, I wait until they subside. The Redlands operation has sister operations in Washington state & Redding, Ca. If you are ever anywhere near, I highly recommend them. I've come to accept that having a full body slide (including a washer & dryer located on it) coupled with a very tall coach leads to a high center of gravity & less than ideal handling characteristics. Even recently came across a uTube video of the coach being driven by car magazine types. They described the driving characteristics as not designed by BMW and that you best keep both hands on the wheel!