Forum Discussion

oldsarge's avatar
Oct 28, 2016

Winnebago 29VE vs Jayco Greyhawk 29W , new

Torn between the two, Anyone have these RV's and feedback you can share. The new floor plans for both have great things going for them and they are both about the same price range. Just looking for long range quality and ride. Anything else I should be looking at. Thanks!
  • Prior to getting the 29VE we had an Istaca 31C which was a class C with the overhead bunk and the fuel mileage was about the same at 8-9mpg. I liked that the Jayco overhang is strengthen to support up to 700lbs compared to the 300lb rating of the Itasca. I really liked our class C and was interested in getting another and the choice was difficult to make. After having the 29VE for about a year I am happy with the choice for the reason listed above, also i will mention that I REALLY like having the dinette on the passenger side of the house as it allows for us to sit anc watch the kids while working rather than look at out our neighbors, but either way I think you will be Ok. Good luck and let me know if I can be of any further help!
  • Right, you can see the bunks but no access. The layout is to much lefts and rights and walking around things. I like a straight wide path to back to front with a very open feel while slides closed. Thats what the New Jayco Greyhawk 29W floor plan is like, Extreme open floor plan with slides closed. Very nice with the layout. I know it has a longer wheel base than the 29VE. but we do like it. I hear it has a great ride but I just don't like that cab overhang. Seems like it would just kill fuel mileage and attract to much wind. We had a Allegro 32BA class A for years. It measured out at 33'10". The Jayco is 32'6' and the Winnebago is 30' We like the smaller class A and the turning radius is awesome compared to Class C's. Anyway , still doing research on them all.
  • FYI on the sure to check it with the slides in, I do not believe you will be a bale to access the bunks and in order to get to the rear bed you need to go through the bathroom
  • Thanks rider 1520 and all other responses on the 29VE with 5500 mile trip, WOW!, I look for things like wardrobe for two, big bathroom space like home, under carry massive storage, big frig and sociability in the cab area with room to chat and talk while being on the road with adults but also have room for the grand kids. Nothing too big or too small. We did look first at the winnebago 31BE , nice but we just thought the walls and finish looked to entry level. To get the upgrade you have to jump to the 35 sunstar LX and a lot more money. We just looked at the 29ve near us and the 2017 looks very nice. Still torn between the a few but will make a decision soon. The feedback is awesome on We still like the cambria 30J too. All being in the running. Our biggest theme in our new RV lifestyle is cruise and move, be anywhere anytime and be able to park mostly everywhere with friends and families driveways.
  • I too looked at the Jayco Class C's (29mv) before finally purchasing the Winnebago 29VE. Here were my observations:

    Jayco Pluses---more safety up front with Airbags---3 doors vs one door in the Class A---Larger Frig---North/South facing bed

    Class A pluses---Larger sofa for a more practical pull out bed---Larger drawers and more storage in Kitchen----Also WAY more storage in bedroom area---heavier chassis which, in hindsight, actually does translate into a better ride (I had a two class C's before)---larger windshield is REALLY nice---workstation area for front passenger (wife really likes that)

    Overall lit was a difficult choice but I have been please with the 29VE and shortly after we took ownership we went on a 5,500 trip without one problem!!! I hope I helped.
  • Winnebago also builds most of their coach in house.

    The do their own countertops, cabinetry, and holding tanks. (Have their on facilities onsite)

    Comes into play if you need parts down the road.
  • the winnie has a fiberglass roof, and contrary to some peoples comments, they don't blow off right and left. if the jayco has a rubber roof I wouldn't want it. if TPO, might go for it.