want-a-be wrote:
1995brave wrote:
Start here there should be a wiring diagram for it.
Winnie manuals
Thanks for the information but I can't make heads or tails out of wiring diagrams!
Does not matter. The 7pin wiring is on the GM chasis and Winnie does not have that on their website. Also their schematics are lacking for any real troubleshooting as alot of information is just not there.
Ignore any Ford comments as you are GM. Based on what the other GM person said theirs never worked either. I would look on the backside of the 7 pin connector and see if there is even a wire to it. If not you will need to provide yourself and add a fuse. You can get that information from one of your earlier posts on this subject. If there is a wire there you can try and chase it back to the source or get the GM manual out and hunt down the fuse location. It could be in the cab, engine compartment or other hidden area.