link shows what the solenoid looks like. 28 shows how to tell which solenoid is which. You look at the solenoids from THEIR side. The center ones are the front jacks the outer ones are the rear jacks.
Now, you have changed your statement. You originally stated the RF jack would not operate, then you stated it came down 2 or 3 inches. Which is it? There are NOT 8 solenoids for the jacks. ONLY 4 for the jacks. Which are mounted side by side. If you have other solenoids, then those are for the Slide out rooms 2 solenoids per room. These are mounted on EACH SIDE of the HWH manifold and are BELOW the 4 jack solenoids.
IF the jack will NOT retract fully in STORE mode, you need to release the T handle(old 2004 solenoids have these) on all 4 solenoids. Newer oones have the spring loaded release. This will open up all 4 solenoids and see if the jack retracts(all 4). With the manual release open, if one jack(RF) fails to retract, you need to use a pry bar like an 8 foot 2x4 to lever it fully retracted. IFTHIS RETRACTS THIS JACK, The jack cylinder needs replaced/Rebuilt as the inner seals are bad. This is a seperate problem from NOT extending. Now, IF you have the manual solenoid releases open and you operate the pump, all 4 jacks should extend while the pump is running. Have someone observe this while somebody operates the jack pad. It will take a few minutes for all 4 jacks to extend and hit the ground. IF you stop the pump before they extend fully, the jacks will retract(all 4). IF the RF jack extends fully, then the solenoid is the problem. BUT, It can be 2 problems. The fuse for it is blown and sends no signal to open the solenoid. OR, the jack solenoid electrically is bad. A BAD solenoid will sometimes blow its fuse. So, replacing the solenoid is the thing to do since you already have it. Doug