Forum Discussion

Flyjay's avatar
Nov 21, 2015

Winnebago Tour 2008 40TD

We currently have a 2005 Winnebago Journey 35ft. We need a bit more room and we are looking at a Winnie Tour 2008 40TD. It has a 400 Cummins.Presently we have a 359 CAT.
Does anyone have experience with the Winnebago Tours, the good and the bad! Any help is appreciated it.Thank you very much!!!!
  • My experience was similar to two-niner, except I had to have the QD :)

    The 2008 Tour 40TD was very good to us. I don't have anything negative to say about it.
  • We love the Tours, but Winnebago's quality is a real issue. We looked at a Tour today. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the layout, but the amount of issues we noticed on a new coach was astounding. One of the draws even had a bunch of pieces that fell off in transport. Doors not working, parts falling off, warped doors, bad paint. Made the wife very sad as she loves the Tour.
  • The Tour is a real nice coach. I agree that rear radiator is no big deal, would prefer side for the convenience of changing belts, but it sure would not be a deal breaker. I have had rear radiators and never was a problem for me. Just check all the things Mr Marks wrote down on his post and you should be just fine.
  • We had a 2008 Tour and would still have it, if DW hadn't seen the 2012 Tour QD.

    We've had three coaches with rear radiator and never a problem. Check everything Mr. Mark stated and you should be good to go.

    Our 08 was pretty much trouble free,and was sold before we arrived at Lazydays to trade.
  • A rear radiator would be a negative for me now after having one with a rear radiator coming out at CAT as we speak/ $$$$. Got to have at least three slides, 4 better. front slide out generator a must have. Aquahot and tile floors preferred. Bath and a 1/2 too.
  • My previous neighbor at my storage facility in California had Winnebago Tour.... beautiful unit. They do have a rear radiator which is fine, just need to make sure it stays clean.

    A 400 HP Cummins in a 40ft. coach will be a race car! Apparently you are familiar with, if you like the unit, check the maintenance records, tire date codes, battery codes, you should be fine.

    Good luck,