We like our View and have camped in snowy Yosemite where there was plenty of propane for heating and cooking over the 4 days we were there. Not even close to running out.
In other times we had a total of 4 adults and 2 urchins aboard at the beach with no problems.
Storage is minimum so I have a cargo carrier at the rear for the BBQ, fuel & etc.
Now with also a toad its very convenient. Parking is very easy anywhere. I use the lego blocks for leveling. I have a satellite antenna carried on the ladder.
I can substitute a bike & trike rack for the cargo carrier and hold 2 kids' bikes on a ladder rack.
Do a check on your batteries before each trip. I find the house batteries almost always need a tad of water. The chassis battery is under the pilot's feet and hasn't needed water but I check each trip. I keep the batteries on trickle chargers.
We never use the tiny shower and use that space for cargo. We prefer campground showers which have much more room.
I keep a sleeping bag and about 4 or more blankets under the convertible couch, and my fishing equipment under the dinette seat.
I have a largish plastic box in the storage (outside door but under the closet) for all my electrical spares and tools.
Happy Trails!!