Forum Discussion

JeffAndMaria's avatar
Jun 14, 2013

Winnebago View Profile Community

We've got the Winnebago View Profile 24G on our wishlist. I thought it would be nice to start a conversation with other owners of the Winnebago View Profile (e.g., 24J, 24M, 24G, 24V). As a newly renewed, but previous Good Sam member from way back, I thought it would be good to do it here.

How do you like your View Profile? Any tricks or tips?

We've got a million questions already about different options; if we can't find good advice from dealers, we'll post a query to this thread.

Wish us luck!
  • Screen Room Add-Ons

    We're contemplating the View Profile 24G and we'll be traveling with a couple of kitties. We'd like to set up a screen room off the main side door and be able to let them out. I used to have a screen room on my old Class C and it zipped all up and had a skirt that went around the RV itself to make a full enclosure.

    Is there such a thing for the View Profile? Do you have one? Do you have cats? Tips/Suggestions?

    If you have examples of websites where we can look at options, that would be swell (and within the rules as I read them).
  • Generator Options

    I like the idea of not having to fill that teensy LP tank all the time, so the "3,200 Watt Cummins Onan Diesel Generator" sounds convenient.

    HOWEVER, I do like the "Quiet" part of the name of the other option: the "3,600 Watt Cummins Onan MicroQuiet LP Generator"!

    Does anyone know if the LP generator is really a lot quieter? How long does it take to drain the 13 gal LP tank? For that matter, how many "gallons per hours" of diesel does that version use up on average (with A/C on)?