Blaster Man wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
Blaster Man wrote:
If you have AC power, put a couple of trouble lights with 60 watt bulbs in the AH compartment. Been doing it for years, works great, no "dewinterizing" required.
UNTIL you have a severe storm that cuts your 120 power, then what do you do? You do NOT need the 60 watt bulbs. Just leave the AH on 120 and THAT keeps the boiler fluid hot and the hot water coil hot and protected(until you have that storm). Doug
Haven't lost power in 10 years. I use the bulbs rather than leaving the electric element on due to a weak circuit breaker in my rented space that flips off if anything other than bulbs are put on it.
Just because you have NOT lost power does not mean you will not in the future. Those bulbs do NOTHING to heat the copper coil in the Immersion tank of the AH. The copper coil is IN the tank reservoir, not outside. FYI, IF those coils freeze, there is NO REPAIR. Just complete AH replacement. That runs into $6k to $12K depending on the unit, plus about 8 hours labor at $125 per hour. Doug