Forum Discussion

blknomad's avatar
Mar 01, 2016

wiring problem

Was stopped for an overnight the other day and the campground cable was off. Turned on TV with booster life is good until I turned on a light and tv went off. turned light off, tv comes back on tried again and same thing. What gives??
  • I can think of a couple of possibilities. By far the most likely in my opinion is that this is an LED (or possibly fluorescent) light with a regulator/power supply that's generating enough RF interference to make the television unable to decode the broadcast signal. You haven't had trouble with cable because the signal strength is higher with a cable than with an antenna (and it may also be in a different frequency band).

    A second possibility, something of a long shot, is that the antenna booster amp and the light share a common poor ground and the booster isn't getting enough power when the light is on. If that were the case, I would expect the light to be also giving trouble and be dim.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    It could be your LED Ceiling lights (If installed) are interferring with your HDTV set. This is a known RFI problem with using some brands of LED lights especially using the OTA Antenna on the roof that is picking up weaker HDTV signals...

    The only other thing I can think of is maybe your battery is very low and just enough juice to run the small converter powering up the TV set. Then when you turn on the ceiling lights it drains the battery down enough more to knock off the Power Inverter... This might be especially true if you are using standard automotive type bulbs in your ceiling lights. Each incandescent 12VDC bulb in the fixtures draw around 1AMP each.


    Roy Ken