harold1946 wrote:
None of the components that you named are manufactured by workhorse. They are sub-assemblies. The ABS sensors are available for the W series through OEM Engineering for 2001-2010 models. The Workhorse part number to cross reference is W80011709.
There are three different waterpumps for the 8.1 depending on the application, just as there are at least three air filters. None of which are made by Workhorse. Workhorse never made the 8.1, it was always a GM product.
Never claimed any part was made by Workhorse, in actual reality they made very few parts. The ABS sensor number you posted is NOT the one on his Workhorse chassis, at least that is what the WH dealer(also Chevrolet truck dealer) said. I told him to call Navistar(International Harvester), they have a history of buying parts from every Tom, Dick and Harry parts supplier in existence and then not knowing where it came from. But, all I want to know is what happened to your claim that the Workhorse W chassis' is just a Chevrolet truck chassis? Which it never was... After all, if it were shouldn't they know where to get something as easy as an ABS sensor or has it already been obsoleted? Don't bother answering, my original point was as things are discontinued parts become difficult to find, its a simple fact, proven by history. Have a good day.