I think I know how you feel. We have been RVing since 1968 with everything from a popup, PU camper, 3 class C, and 2 Class A. I never used to worry much about anything breaking because I figured I could fix it myself and I did several times. Now as I get older and the mechanical and electrical parts are more advanced and complicated I feel less competent to fix things myself. The big difference is that back then I couldn't afford a big break down and now I can. It still worries me somewhat but I plan to keep on RVing as long as it is still fun and I can afford to fix unexpected problems. I recommend that you have towing insurance and possibly a policy to cover unexpected repairs. If you enjoy RVing protect yourself the best you can and go for it, If it gets to the point the worries aren't worth it, then it is time to give it up.