I just returned from a nearly 1000 mile trip; 3 nights dry camping, then a week in an RV park with full hookups. I towed my dodge truck four down.
No troubles.
A year or so ago, we went to Ringold, GA and back, towing the PT on the dolly.
No troubles, except for high winds which wrecked the slide topper. Except for one night in a county park (electric only), and one night in a freeway rest area, we stayed in full-hookup RV parks.
I do not have:
a water pressure regulator
a power conditioner
a water softener
tire pressure monitors
a water filter
spare parts, except for light bulbs, fuses, and batteries(AAA, AA, C, & D)
As I sit here typing, DW is on her way to Thermopolis, WY, to spend three or four nights in a full hookup RV park and participate in a craft fair. She is towing the truck.
What pre-trip maintenance did I do? I washed the bugs off the front of the coach that accumulated due to my trip, and checked the fluid levels in the coach and truck. I wrote check lists for DW, and went over them to be sure she understood what and how to set the coach up, and how to deal with towing the truck.
That's it!
Bobby McFerrin has it right: "Don't Worry, Be Happy!"
Or, perhaps Alfred E Neumann had it right: "WHAT, me worry?"