Forum Discussion

pconroy328's avatar
Mar 30, 2015

Wow! Tires...

A little searching shows just how controversial this topic can be.

So I need *one* for sure, and may buy two to keep the same tread depth on the fronts. Going on a Class C Motorhome, but a small one - 21'.

I'm struggling to understand that if I match the size, and load range (LT225/75-16 "E") from a tire vendor, is that good enough?

Commercial rated tires seem to be much different from non-commercial ones, is that right?

I know I could just cheese out and re-buy whatever was on there (Uniroyal Laredos) but I'd like to learn more about motorhome tires. Besides, what if the guy before me, who bought the tires, bought the wrong ones? :)

I suppose I could just put my faith in the guys at Discount Tire...
  • Just put LT225/75-16 "E" Michelin LTX M&S2 tires on your Class C and be done with it.

    Don't price shop tires if there's any way you can work it out, budget-wise. Those M&S2 Michelin's are outstanding tires in every sense of the word and are on many Class C motorhomes. Ours came from Winnebago that way and we are on our second set.
  • Tiger4x4RV wrote:
    Discount Tire does it for me. A variety of tires, good service.

    You should think of your small C as a truck when buying tires. When I talk about driving mine, I call it The Truck. When I talk about the living quarters, it is The Camper. :-)

    I buy all of my tires from Discount Tire. I don't care where you are in the United States, they stand behind them.
    My Pick-Up My RV, and SWMbO's aka "She Who Must be Obeyed" Van all tires were bought at the same Discount Tire Store. Last year we were on a trip and had an inside dual go flat. When we got home I went to the shop I use, I replaced all 7 of my tires. I paid for 6 tires and they replace the 7h Tire for no charge.
  • I put FireStone Trans Force on my E450. Replaced the Michelin's that were on there.
  • As a minimum, you want to have a similar pair for the front and a similar pair for each dually pair. Similar front tires will help you go straight down the road, and similar dually pairs will help them both carry the same load.
  • Discount Tire does it for me. A variety of tires, good service.

    You should think of your small C as a truck when buying tires. When I talk about driving mine, I call it The Truck. When I talk about the living quarters, it is The Camper. :-)
  • In a nutshell.

    If you have true 16" wheels, you can buy light truck tires in the right load rating. They will have a recommended replacement life of 5 years.

    If you have 16.5" wheels, then you will probably only have one choice of tire (Firestone TransForce), but it will be a true motorhome rated tire with a life of 7 years.

    Main thing is to understand how to read the load ratings of your tires, ensure you have the right ones and match whatever you have. Also understand how to read the manufacture date on the tire. You can look both up on the interwebz.
