Forum Discussion

wildmanbaker's avatar
Mar 24, 2014

X Hose Pro

O.K. I've been wondering if anyone has used the “X Hose” advertised on TV. I have used the others, green ones to be exact, and at first, I was very pleased. I had used them to wash the MH, cars, and the house. On our first outing 2 years ago, other Rvers asked about the hose, and I recommended it to them. Sadly, at the begging of summer, the hoses became to fail, and I regret recommending them. At first I patched them with pieces of copper tubing and hose clamps. The problem was the was, how they were constructed, a silicone tube, with 2 spiral cuts running around the hose from one end to the other, just opposite of each other. As the hose expended and stretched, the hose developed leaks in the spiral cuts, as apparently, there was not enough control in the depth of the cuts. I had 5 hoses total, and all but one have failed, it has not been used yet, and is in the MH.

Once bitten, 5 times shy. So, if anyone has used the new “X Hose Pro” , how long have you had it, and how many times have you used it? I would like to find good recommendations before investing in the very more expensive X Hose Pro, as the expending hose idea is great if they last more than 3 months. Thanks for any information in advance.