Forum Discussion

Rolling_Rolling's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 21, 2014

Yellow stains from suction cups shower walls

Hi There

Hoping someone can help with this. We placed several baskets and a small suction mirror on our shower walls which are white platic.
Upon removing these items to clean the walls and shower tub the suction cups have left a perfect yellow circle behind which I cannot remove.

I have tired neat bleach, hydrogen peroxide, soft scrub, scrubbing bubbles, nothing seems to work. Even the area where the shower curtain drapped on to the tub floor has gone a litle off colour too, it is as if the area where no light of air has circulated the plastic has discoloured.

Can anyone tell me how to get these yellow stains off please.

Thanks for any ideas I am sure many of you must have had the same issue.

  • Bleach and baking soda. Mix to make a smooth paste. That mixture will take any stain off.
  • Bar Keeper's Friend is a mild acid powder which I've used in the past for some yellow spots in our shower. We had a floor mat, but it sounds a little different from yours. On ours, the sun would shine through the cracks in the floor mat and yellowed the tub. Bar Keepers Friend worked for us to get rid of most of it.
  • Try Magic Eraser with a little Awesome cleaner from the dollar store.
    Be very careful with the Awesome cleaner as it is harsh.
