Tom/Barb wrote:
The Park service can say what they like, they do not jurisdiction over any Federal airspace.
49 U.S. Code ยง 40128 - Overflights of national parkslink hereThe operator of a commercial air tour must have a permit and be in compliance with the Park's "Air Tour Management Plan." So yes, there is a legal restriction in the US Code of Federal Regulations. Both the Administrator (of the FAA) and the Director (of the NPS) are referenced in this US Code, indicating that the two agencies work together.
However,The USFS Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is one of the few national natural areas that has an airspace reservation (4,000 feet) designated by Executive Order (President Truman in 1949) and incorporated into Federal Law (P.L. 95-495, Section 8).
And yes, violators of the laws, executive orders and regulations have been cited. If you think that sister agencies within the federal government don't work together on enforcement, well...good luck to you!