Forum Discussion

Stars101's avatar
Apr 20, 2013

Hard boiling fresh eggs

I have never had good luck using fresh eggs for deviled eggs. The carton you buy in the store just makes a mess by sticking/breaking (even though I don't consider them particularly fresh!).

I found a fool proof recipe on a backyard chicken forum:


Boil a large pot of salted water

Gently lower eggs into water - boil for exactly 17 min.

Remove from water and put in ice water bath for 17 min.

The eggs just slip right out of the shells. It works for farm fresh eggs or regular grocery store ones.

I'd never heard of this way to prepare them and just thought I'd share.
  • One additional trick, not yet mentioned: To prevent eggs from cracking as they cook, take a corsage pin and pierce the LARGE end of the shell. Push the pin just so it goes thru the shell, not down into the egg. Then cook, using your favorite method.
    The piercing allows tiny bubbles of air to escape as the egg cooks, letting off pressure so the shell doesn't crack. You'll see these little bubbles emerging as soon as the egg begins to heat up inside.