Forum Discussion

Francesca_Knowl's avatar
Nov 29, 2014

Hey Minnesota! How about that grape salad?


The never-wrong Noo Yawk Times sez broiled grape-and-pecan salad is a must-have on the traditional Minnesota Thanksgiving table; but it turns out that most of Minnesota sez...NOT!

What say you all?
  • I grew up in Iowa and have lived in MN since 1985 ... Never heard of a grape salad. Saw this mentioned on a morning news program. I think the news "reporter' needs to do a bit more research!
  • Mentioned on Prairie Home Companion this weekend. But then again, it was broadcast from NYC.
  • dewey02 wrote:
    Well, for starters we ain't got no heiresses in Minnesota as we are common folk,so that was a tip off right there. And if it isn't something that's done as a "hotdish" or something to do with lutefisk, eelpout, or walleye then it probably isn't Minnesotan.

    Here's what we think of the New York Times, you betcha!

    Double ditto. Born and raised Minnesotan. Never heard of the salad.
  • I heard about that on the news. They then said that it wasn't really a state thing, but a region. I'm from Illinois originally and I had never heard of it in the Midwest "region". I just heard of it (and tasted it) here in Idaho 2 years ago.
    The recipe I got, and use, is actually very good. I always get requests for the recipe. Maybe the one they got for Minnesota was from somebody who had it in for the state.
  • I think in Fargo they've probably put copies of the NY Times into their wood chippers along with the hot grapes. No, wait - that's North Dakota.
  • dewey02 wrote:
    Well, for starters we ain't got no heiresses in Minnesota as we are common folk,so that was a tip off right there. And if it isn't something that's done as a "hotdish" or something to do with lutefisk, eelpout, or walleye then it probably isn't Minnesotan

    Not even in the "grape and pecan belt", which must be somewhere around Miami, Minnesota? :B
  • Well, for starters we ain't got no heiresses in Minnesota as we are common folk,so that was a tip off right there. And if it isn't something that's done as a "hotdish" or something to do with lutefisk, eelpout, or walleye then it probably isn't Minnesotan.

    Here's what we think of the New York Times, you betcha!
  • Lived in Minnesota 35 years and never heard of Grape Salad until I read the article.