The objective of this method is to produce a finished steak with the same degree of doneness completely through all of the steak. Take note that the oven temperature is set to only 275 F and the convection currents in the oven keep the entire steak subject to that temperature.
Any direct method of cooking (pan or grille) cooks the center of the steak by conduction. One side of the steak is heated and that heat is transmitted toward the middle part of the steak by conduction. The edge of the steak must cook more than the middle because of this method of heat transfer. The higher the temperature of the source heat, the greater the difference the temperature of the meat will be from edge to center.
This method reduces the temperature difference between meat and heat source, and that is the main reason that all the meat is cooked to the same degree. The second important reason for success of this method is that the convection currents keep all of the meat surfaces at the same temperature.
You can obtain these results in a non-convection oven, but it will be more difficult. A convection oven like those found in a convection/microwave is best of all because of the rotating turntable.
This method and the sous-vide method have the advantage of low cooking temperature in common. This method most likely won’t require any equipment you don’t already have in a RV.
This method provides very easy clean up. The steak loses very little juice in the oven – not even a teaspoon full and so clean up of the oven is just wiping the turntable and rinsing the rack.
I use a heavy non-stick pan to sear the steak, and the steak only sears for about two minutes so that cleanup is a snap.
This method has been a great discovery for me. You just might want to try it before you discard it.
Good Luck!