I have printed lots of the recipes from here and am trying some of them this weekend (to make and freeze in portions).
A friend had already given me the Taco Soup recipe (I LOVE it)but there are so many here that sound so good.
She gave me two dessert recipes that I don't think I saw here, so thought I would pass them along. I haven't tried them, but am going to.
SUNSHINE SALAD: 1 pkg fat free, sugar free vanilla pudding, 15 oz can mandarin orances, 20 oz can pineapple chunks.
Do not drain fruit, but add to dry pudding and mix well.
Chill about an hour. (only a point or 2)
DIET SODA CUPCAKES: 1 box cake mix (any flavor), 10 oz diet soda (any flavor), 2 egg whites, baking spray
Preheat oven according to box directions. Spray muffin pan.
Beat together mix, soda, egg whites and pour into muffin pan.
Bake as directed on box for cupcakes.
Can top with Cool Whip
She used chocolate cake mix and diet Dr Pepper or Root Beer, but you can use any combination (maybe lemon mix and sprite or strawberry mix and strawberry drink)
1 cupcake is 2 points.
I hope to see even more recipes here...thanks.