Forum Discussion

lckcmk's avatar
Jun 21, 2013

Barking dogs left alone all day

We've traveled all over this beautiful country with both dogs and cats..and it never ceases to amaze me that people will go off and leave their dogs all day in their travel vehicles. We're here in a park in Idaho and the poor little dog has been barking since about 6 this morning.....several people around that particular motorhome have been wondering why in the devil someone would do that to their dog, let alone to the people around them. The sad part is that when they do show up they don't believe you when you tell them the dog has been barking...after all he wasn't barking when you drove up! Please, fellow RVers, believe us when we tell you that "Precious" was's for the dogs good and makes for great neighbors when you do something about it.
We are now traveling with no animals. Our beloved kitty, Scratch, passed on April 29. Just shy of his 18th b-day. We miss him tho we do enjoy interacting with other peoples pets........