Basketweaverz wrote:
Glad to see the last couple of posts about not all dogs being friendly with other dogs. My blue heeler is one of those. We have had her in training but it didn't do a whole lot. We are just careful when outside.
I think the breed, as a rule, is notoriously "not strange dog friendly". When I adopted Jack (Red Heeler), I took him to the vet with my 2 Aussies. As all 3 stood together, the Vet assistant Jeff walked by, did a double-take, then yelled back at the Vet "There's a Cattle Dog standing here with 2 other dogs and nobody's BLEEDING yet!!!!" They both laughed and explained that as large-animal vets, they stitch up more stray-dogs-dumped-at-farms who get attacked by the resident Cattle Dog than any other injury...
I took Jack to obedience classes, socialized him to death with all my grand-dogs, he traveled every one of the 48,000 miles on our Class C and I still never trusted him around strange dogs. The best I ever achieved was having him know that aggressive behavior was totally unacceptable while on the leash. Had he ever gotten off his leash and encountered some ferocious, massive and angry dog - would Jack have bitten it? Oh surely as the sun rises... (rolling my eyes)
BUT: they are awesome with humans :-)