Thanks for the comments.
Today was the second shot of Adaquin-anyone familiar with it.
Belle continues to be alert. Does her outdoor business. Eats and drinks. She has never whined but when neither of us are in the room she whines and barks loudly.
We continue to allow her to sit next to us in recliners. We move and handlle her only when going outside and moving to her bed.. She can widen her hip to take care of business and we think that is a good sign. Twice she has yelped when I pick her up by placing my fingers-carelessly-under her belly near her vulva. Dzoes that mean anything?
Next Monday will be her third shot and will ask the Vet to see if she exhibits pain in her paws. If so, am I wrong to think she still have some feeling in her back legs.
Still taking Gabapinten and Prednisole.
I have ordered a doggy wheel chair and a life vest. We will start water therapy when the vest is delivered in a few days. We have a jacuzzi and wondering if using it on a low setting would help in addition to the water therapy.
We will try that for a few days and may search for a vet. that does laser therapy. Relative used the therapy for hind legs for their pet but there were other issues instead of paralysis and she said it helped.
Any other things we can do?