Jun 22, 2015Nomad
Dog abuser
I had a run in with a real jerk this weekend at Birch Bay state CG in Washington state. He would walk his dog, a large full grown German Shepard mix, around the park and and jerk his narrow leather ...
4X4Dodger wrote:
Well I am a dog lover all my life and have always had a dog except when in the service.
But in this case I have to say that while I don't like the behaviour of the dog handler described, it really was not any of your business.
You would have been hard pressed to convince any reasonable law enforcement person that the behavior described was truly abusive. In fact claiming that diminishes the truly horrible cases of abuse by stretching the meaning of the word beyond reason.
Everyone now days seems to think it their God Given right to interject themselves into others lives under the most flimsy of pretenses.
Now if the dog had really been in distress, being beaten with a stick or kicked...there, I believe, the line has been crossed and some action justified.
But this ever increasing tendency in this country for people to feel that it's their "duty" to control the actions of others simply because we don't like them is disturbing and will have consequences that many dog lovers don't want when turned on them by people who dont like or want dogs around.